Vision Statement:

Village Meeple champions the growth of in-person gaming, educational encounters, and table-top adventure in the community. Our staff steers this village with humor and radical kindness.

Meet the Team





  • MAMA

  • PAPA




The family who board games together, stays together.

Board games were a staple growing up. We would play as a family at the dining room table, battling it out over cards and cardboard.

As we have grown up and started a family of our own, board games are an even bigger part of our life. We developed quite a collection of our own and play frequently with friends and family.

We also love to travel, and it was during these travels that we were introduced to board game cafes. While there is an excellent board game cafe in Branson, we felt Springfield was missing out. Springfield has a wonderful gaming community, and we wanted to add to that.

So with plans, elbow grease, and a ton of help from our village, we have put together Village Meeple Board Game Cafe.

Our cafe is family-owned and operated. With Jess at the helm, she is aided by wife Sarah, mom Sharon, dad Rick, son Jamison, and daughter Sutton, as well as numerous other family and friends. On any given day, you will see these people hanging out and helping out.

We invite you to also grab a seat at the table. Our cafe purposely has the eclectic feel of home. We hope you find a favorite game, favorite table to play it at, favorite snack and drink, and maybe some new friends to enjoy it all with.

mee·ple, noun
a small figure used as a playing piece in certain board games, having a stylized human form.