So You Want to Go to a Board Game Convention

So, you’ve gotten into board gaming. You are working your way off the classics like Monopoly, Jenga, and Uno. You’re starting to play Carcassone, Exploding Kittens, and Wingspan. You’re learning about the wide world of board gaming and all the YouTube, Facebook, Internet, Instagram, TikTok, and local rabbit holes that come along with it. Your next step is a BOARD GAME CONVENTION!

There are so many board game conventions to choose from, located across the world. The first recorded board game convention was GenCon in 1968. Now held in Indianapolis, it has grown exponentially, last year having 71,000 attendees. The current largest in the world is Spiel Essen in Germany, pulling in over 200,000 visitors. Most board game conventions, however, have attendance between 500 to 5,000 visitors.

With so many to offer, choosing your first board game convention can be tricky. Here are some factors to keep in mind to help you make the best decision for you:

Enjoying a game of Fairy at BGG Con in Dallas, TX

 What is your why?

Why do you want to go to a board game convention? What are you hoping to learn, see, and do?

This truly is the biggest item to figure out if you want to have a pleasant experience. Though they have quite a bit of overlap, not all board game conventions are created equal.

  •         Are you wanting to meet new people? Board game conventions are a great way to meet new people who share the same interests as you. Depending on your personality, there are a variety of ways to make this happen for you.

    • Larger cons typically have events you can sign up for, which organically puts you into situations with other gamers. This is a low-pressure entry into a game, however, you won’t have any say over who you play with for the most part.

    • There are entire rooms dedicated to open gaming. Most cons have some sort of signage you can utilize if you are looking for more players to join you.

    • Almost all cons have a vendor area/expo center for you to shop and explore. If you are good at striking up conversations, this is a great option for you. Both of you are examining the newest game at XYZ Booth. You can chat with them about it. Most times, that game will be in the library or if you buy it, maybe that person wants to play it with you?

Making new friends at GenCon in Indianapolis, IN

  • Are you wanting to shop? If giant hauls are your mission, a large con is a way to go! Larger conventions typically have a big expo/vendor area to match. GenCon and Essen have expo halls that literally take days to get through. If you prefer unique, hand-crafted work, smaller cons actually can be a bigger hit, as they attract more small businesses and crafters than the larger cons, due to the booth fee.

  • Do you want to see the newest, hottest games? Since attendance is higher at the large cons, you will see the bigger board game publishers at those events. They will pull out all of the stops in order to get gamers pumped about their newest creation. So if you want to be one of those gamers, a big con is the way!

  • Do you just wanna see what all the fuss is about? We blab about board game conventions a lot. Just like our geeky fellows (or ourselves, let’s be honest), go on and on about comic cons. And there is a good reason for that. We love board games! We love talking about them, playing them, collecting them. And these conventions are a one-stop shop for capturing almost anything someone loves about this hobby.

What are your resources?

Anytime you leave your home for an extended time, you need to take into consideration what you can manage. What is your budget? Your time off from work situation? Your travel capabilities (car, train, plane)? What is your child/pet care situation? These are your biggest factors of if you are going to Germany or if you’re going one town over.

And there’s nothing wrong with going one town over! We had a fabulous time at Moon City Con and AdventureCon. They are smaller, but still provide an excellent board game convention experience! Plus, getting to sleep in your own bed is ALWAYS a win!

Another advantage of going to a smaller, more local con is the money you would’ve spent on hotel, gas, and food, now can be used to buy more board games! I hate the term “girl math,” but this might qualify!

If you do need to get lodging, I highly recommend booking your room early and as close to the con as possible. Most cons are located at a hotel or convention center with attached hotels. Cons get blocks of hotel rooms for their participants to obtain for a discounted rate, but they fill up quickly. You can always get one further away, but most places require you to pay to park at them.

What do you think of crowded spaces?

How you handle crowds is one of the biggest concerns about cons. When you hit the GenCon expo floor, it is wall-to-wall people pretty much the whole time. In fact, GenCon is famous for their “Running of the Nerds,” where everyone lines up outside the expo hall prior to opening. When the time comes to open the expo doors, they flood into the hall. And if my telling you that (or you watching that) makes you break out in hives a bit, you might want to start smaller.

I will say that Board Game Conventions of all sizes are getting much better about recognizing the need for quiet spaces. Introverts struggle with the constant barrage of loud of people-y areas. We extroverts do too… it just takes us longer to get to that point. I usually crash when I get home. 

A few moments before the GenCon “Running of the Nerds”

Final Thoughts

Not all board game conventions are the exact same. And there are THOUSANDS to choose from all over the world! has a great list of board game conventions here. With the considerations listed above thought through and customized to you and your gaming group (if applicable), you are sure to have a great first trip! Check back soon for our advice on how to prepare for that board game convention trip!

Jess Hamlet

Jess is the owner of Village Meeple Board Game Cafe in Springfield, MO. since 2023. She is a golden retriever who loves joking around, learning new things, and playing ALL the board games!

FAVORITE GAMES: Castles of Burgundy, Bunny Kingdom, Hogwarts Battle, Gizmos, Panda Panda

FAVORITE GAMING MECHANISMS: Worker Placement, Drafting, Dice Placement, Engine Building

LEAST FAVORITE GAMES: Villainous, Root, Apples to Apples


Hygge Board Game Recommendations