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Wednesdays We Teach: OUTRUN THE BEAR

Wednesdays We Teach — OUTRUN THE BEAR

Sometimes you don’t have to OUTRUN THE BEAR… you just have to outrun your friends.

In Outrun the Bear you’ll play against up to five friends as you manage your cards in the race for your lives.

Start at the campsite, and use action, reaction, and equipment cards to make it all the way to the parking lot and the safety of the car (while helping or sabotaging your friends.) Choose the cards you play carefully cause at the end of the round the Bear will run after player based on the cards that were played.

The game ends when all runners have either made it to the parking lot or have been eaten by the bear. So try to keep at least one friend between you and the bear at all times, and maybe you will manage to OUTRUN THE BEAR.

Join Gamer Guide Jess as she teaches you how to play OUTRUN THE BEAR.

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